15 Ways to Save Money in Your Business
1.Take advantage of the freelance and temporary workforce Why not start taking advantage of a temporary team that is specialized at doing whatever it is you need done? Then the job gets done better, and you don't have to hassle with huge overheads and adding up costs...
Crazy Facts Business Leaders Should Know About Data and Money
90% of all the world's data has been created within the last two years. 25% of organizations now have a data scientist on staff. According to CIO, $3.2 billion was spent by companies on big data in 2010; it is predicted companies will spend $16.9 billion on big data...
Monetizing Big Data
When we think about Big Data, we don't typically directly associate it with money. To some extent, this is true; raw data alone is pretty much useless, and worthless. However, when it is analyzed and used properly, it can be an organization's most valuable asset. We...
Saving Money and Saving Lives With Crime Analytics
Collection and analysis of Big Data are crucial to business and government in order to be sustainable and competitive in industry. With the easy accessibility of Big Data, we must ask ourselves how can we use it to its full potential? What limits should be placed on...
What Does a Data Scientist Do?
What makes someone a data scientist? This question keeps coming up continuously, so we've finally decided to write a blog to make it clear. It is difficult to come up with one, single definition, because data scientists perform a wide variety of activities and have a...
Understanding the Basics of Big Data
What is all the "Big Data Buzz" about? If collected, consolidated, managed and analyzed correctly, it gives us a unique ability to better understand the entire world around us. It helps us better understand the past, monitor the present and predict the future. Here...
Data Analytics Helping Dispensary Owners Increase Revenues
Thus far, we have shown you how big data analysis can save businesses a lot of money by identifying inefficiencies, and driving better decision making. This has been the case for many different industries, ranging from fashion, to insurance, to the medical industry....
4 Big Ways Big Data Is Helping Business
Data is growing exponentially- we are collecting AND analyzing more data than ever. As this occurs, it is also becoming more and more helpful- not just for the medical field (where we often hear about big data analysis being used), but for businesses as well. Here are...
Does Big Data Analysis Cost Big Bucks?
Big Data is bringing new business opportunities to companies around the world. We have officially entered this new age of Big Data, and it's helping business, education, healthcare and more. This Big Data is offering vast amounts of information at rapid speeds, even...
Data Analysis is the New Competitive Advantage. How Do I Start Building a Data Strategy For My Business?
89% of companies believe that if they do not develop and adopt a big data analytics strategy, that they could lose both market share and momentum. Why? Because big data tells you things about the world, and about your business that you didn't know before. And as more...
What Is Holding Your Business Back? Can Big Data Help?
As a data analytics and business process engineering firm, we find that these 5 things are the most common challenges that businesses face. They also greatly impede on the prosperity of the company. Watch this video to find out what they are. And check out more on...
Going Green and Saving Green: Massive Energy Savings For Buildings
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPTeCT5nMus Major commercial buildings use the same amount of energy as over 500 houses. So trying to save energy in commercial buildings is key. But most building management systems (BMS) are trying to find a needle in the haystack,...
Fixed Pricing is a Thing of the Past: How Does Big Data Save Consumers Money?
Doesn't it frustrate you when you buy an airline ticket to go home for the holidays, only to find out that your younger brother, King of procrastination bought his plane ticket a day before your flight departed (4 months after you), and he ended up paying less? It is...
Big Data Daily – Data in Business – Europe Refusing Big Data – Big Data in Cancer Research
Where Is Big Data In Every Day Life? We all hear about Big Data and how it is changing industries and allowing companies like Target to stalk their customers, but do we interact with Big Data in our everyday routines? READ MORE Will Europeans Get Left In The...
Are We Losing Our Jobs To Big Data?
There is a glass with water in it sitting on a table- is the glass half empty or is it half full? The way you answer the question above may determine how you think about IBM's new solution for the high demand for data scientists. Data scientists are people who can...
Can Schools Use Big Data To Recruit New Students?
Colleges are constantly competing to acquire more student than their rival schools. In today's world how do colleges do this? Colleges obviously select their classes based off of the most accomplished students, but how do they gain the interests of these students in...
The Dangers With Dehumanizing Big Data
Big Data is created from numerous devices, around the clock, every day. Big Data comes from watches, smart phones, televisions, computers, cars, social media sites, and even home appliances. Every where we turn there are devices creating data and sending it to the...
Are Companies Invading Employee Privacy With Big Data?
Big Data analyitics is intended to be used for the purpose of making connections and discovering insights that humans may miss or take longer to uncover. With the recent announcement that companies have been using Big Data to gain information on their own employees,...
Big Data Revamping Recruiting
It seems that with the rise of the Big Data Revolution, data creation and data analysis is being utilized in almost every facet of our lives, our devices and our businesses. Where is it likely to pop up next? The author of this article, Aleah Radovich predicts that it...
Big Data Saves Money And Time In Cancer Research
Cancer is a horrible illness that has been nearly impossible to figure out. Scientists have had a difficult time finding a cure for cancer because no two cases of cancer are the same. Everyone's bodies are different and therefore, those who develop cancer do not have...
Big Data Making Life Easier
Even though certain tough situations play a big role in making us stronger individuals, people generally want things to be easy. Simple is good. That is why we are always trying to come up with new processes and devices to make everything we do easier. Big Data is a...
Saving Us Money and Saving Our Pets: 3 Ways Big Data Helps Shelter Animals
There are roughly 7.6 million animals admitted to shelters in the United States each year. The same number are adopted as are euthanized: 2.7 million. So many are euthanized due to limited resources; many animals are coming in, but there is simply not enough space and...
You Don’t Need To Be A Big Company To Utilize Big Data
There are many small businesses out there who may feel that they are being left in the dust by all of these huge corporations using Big Data to get the upper hand. This does not need to be the case. Small companies can use Big Data even if they themselves are not...
What Do Lawyers Have To Say About Big Data Privacy?
Ever wonder where the public's privacy goes when it comes to Big Data? Does it just get thrown out the window to benefit big corporations? Today it seems like the internet knows so much about us it is almost like they are watching us. That is because they essentially...

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