Financial Services Profit From Big Data

Financial Services Profit From Big Data

With every new year comes new ideas, goals and budgets, which is why now is the perfect time to plan out your company’s finances. Big Data is a great addition to any financial services you may be using in your business!

Big Data opens financial planning up to managing pricing, customer insight, investment advice and risk management. Financial services usually help companies manage their money and predict the best ways to use it in the future, but when coupled with Big Data, financial planning can be taken to a new level. Big Data provides the insights to see the use and effect of your money in ways financial services cannot provide alone.

This is one industry that Big Data has barely touched, but is ready to dive into! Many reports foresee Big Data becoming an increasingly utilized tool in the financial sector. Big Data is brand new in this field, but has the potential to provide insights that wouldn’t otherwise be seen. The sooner we can notice trends about finances the more money that can be saved.

To learn more about how Big Data is infiltrating financial services check out this awesome article- Big Data Puts Bacon On The Table

Toyota Is Driving In Efforts For Connected Cars

Toyota Is Driving In Efforts For Connected Cars

The connected car is a symbol of the future, a car that can drive itself, speak to its driver or even prevent accidents. This is what we picture when we look towards cars of the next generation. This process has been in motion for many years including GM’s OnStar devices in their models that can call for help when a vehicle has been in an accident. Even though this technology has been around for over twenty years there is suddenly a push for a more sophisticated vehicle.

Ever since the emergence of the Internet of Things, machines we use on a daily basis are getting a face lift. Ever major technology company is racing to produce devices that will be used in what is called the “connected home”. The idea is that the technology we use will  be able to communicate to one another, making our lives easier. Cars are a big part of this vision because the majority of the population uses them everyday. With the IoT vision, we will one day have cars that will be automatically started and warmed to our preferred temperature and will chauffeur us to our destination. 

Toyota has announced that they are beginning to equip their vehicles with Data Communication Modules that will allow the car to send and receive data with the Toyota Big Data Center. With this technology, cars will be able to automatically send a distress call to emergency respondents with the vehicle’s location as soon as the airbag is deployed. This will allow victims of an accident to receive medical attention more quickly and hopefully prevent unknown accidents that often leave people stranded.

As Toyota and Ford begin to install Big Data devices into their cars, they are making huge strides towards the IoT. The more advanced cars are, the easier it will be to enhance them with receptors that can tell the car what to do and how to do it. With this sort of participation from some of the leaders in automotive technology, it won’t be long before we see the first “connected car”.

Can Big Data Help The Marijuana Industry Get The Biggest Bang For Their Blunt?

Can Big Data Help The Marijuana Industry Get The Biggest Bang For Their Blunt?

Even though marijuana is becoming legal in more and more states and a booming industry, people still tend to see dispensaries as “drug dealers.” What people don’t see is that now that marijuana has been legalized, the business is no long a shady transaction in a park, but rather a fully functioning production like any other business. Dispensaries now need to consider things like ROI’s, Customer Retention, and Efficient Production.

The more we learn about something, the better we can understand it. Don’t form your opinions about the marijuana industry without first understanding it. Listen to this informative podcast straight from the leaders in the marijuana industry, you may just learn something about marijuana that you never knew before!

Marijuana And Big Data – How Do Cannabis Consumers Trend?

3 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Data

3 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Data

As the new year approaches we all begin to dream about what the future holds for us. Everyone begins to make New Years Resolutions and promise they will change for the better.

Will this be the year my business really takes off?

How can I change my business to be more lucrative this next year?

One of the best ways to make changes in your company and ensure you stick to them is to implement a more efficient plan. Big Data Analytics is an excellent way to be more efficient- and the more efficient you are the more money you save.

Businesses must know how to use and manage their data in order to benefit from it. Here are three tips on how to utilize Big Data in your business to ensure the biggest ROI

Hire the Right People

In order to understand Big Data it must be analyzed. This takes a certain type of person with strong mathematical and analytical skills. Data Scientists must be able to understand the different coding languages and crunch numbers quickly. This is a job that is not for everyone, but is a profession that is growing in popularity due to a high demand for analysts.

Use What You Have

If you already have an IT team be sure to utilize them, chance are they already have the basic knowledge needed for Big Data Analysis. By training the resources you already have you save your business time and money that would otherwise be spent on the hiring process. Having a strong team of data scientists is what sets successful companies apart from many others.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

A lot of companies that use Big Data are not Big Data experts by any means. Depending on the company sometimes it is cheaper and more efficient to outsource your Big Data needs. There are an array of companies that specialize in Big Data contract work for other companies and can be a great asset when it comes to understanding your data. 

The best way to make sure you get the most out of your Data is to look at your company and decide how and where Big Data can be most useful to you. Every company is different and therefore will use Big Data in different ways, but if you follow at least one of these tips you are heading in the right direction for improving your company this next year!

What To Expect Out Of Big Data In 2016

What To Expect Out Of Big Data In 2016

As a child I can remember watching the futuristic life of The Jetson’s on Saturday morning cartoons and thinking “wow that must be a long time from now!” But this is not necessarily the case. With the immersion of Big data and its widespread application, we are beginning to see “The Future” much more quickly than we expected.

Now that Big Data Analytics has been around long enough to no longer think of it as a magical, all knowing, wonder tool, companies are now used to Big Data and understand how to manage it. Big Data has become a mainstream, ordinary process in the work place. With Big Data being more manageable and easy to understand, it is now being applied to many different new and exciting projects. Big Data is being utilized in Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, and Machine Learning.

Artificial Intelligence is being developed in forms anywhere from robotics to the Internet of Things. Big Data is being heavily utilized in Natural Language Processing to enhance applications such as Apple’s Siri. Natural Language Processing is something we can expect to see a lot of a The Internet of Things continues to make a bigger presence. Machine Learning will make its mark as algorithms continue to be developed to ensure efficiency and minimal human intervention. Between these three sectors we are looking at the world of The Jetson’s being very near.

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